Svenska Dermato-Epidemiologiska Nätverket (SveDEN) och Svenska Sällskapet för Dermatologisk Kirurgi och Onkologi
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Date: 13-14 October 2016
Theme: Facts and consensus about skin cancer prevention
Looking back:
• Vadstena 1 (2013) was SweDEN's 15th workshop " "Non-melanoma Skin Cancer" with main speaker Professor David Whiteman, Brisbane
• Vadstena 2 (2015) was SweDEN's 17th workshop "Assessing intervention – skin cancer as a case study" with main speaker Professor Christian Surber, Basel
Looking around:
• Whilst there are many challenges in the field of skin cancer health care delivery our focus needs to be on prevention. There is every reason to believe that we (Sweden) are not doing it optimally.
Looking forward:
Professor Adele Green, Brisbane/Manchester will be our main speaker starting with a review of the epidemiological knowledge base around skin cancer.
The program covers: the sun; the actual problem; our individual skin; the tools of prevention; habit and attitude decisions; early detection – we hope that we can formulate and reach consensus on a "Swedish prevention credo" at the meeting
Note the date! We start with lunch Thursday 2016 10 13
Info: chris.anderson@liu.se